Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

Oh, The Places You'll Go

Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

The beauty of life is that we never know where we will go next. I think to myself that I would have never imagined writing a post, first and foremost. I was on the road towards Physical Therapy, in my mind, and I was certain that I was going to work in the field. After graduating with a degree in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology (which is the study of the function and movement of the body), I went on to massage therapy school and then a few months after that, I found myself at Full Sail University.

This is my moment to truly inspire and help anyone around me with a dream. If I can share my story of how I have done it or how I have gotten to where I am today, I take it. I want people to learn from my mistakes and do even better than I did. God has put a lot of my heart and he has put me in a lot of weird places in life, but it has a purpose. He does nothing by accident.

Oh, The Places You'll Go 01

Life is just funny. You think you have an idea of where you will be going and then it changes on you. No worries don’t be afraid of the change and don’t beat yourself up. Trust, as you can see, it happened to me and it may happen to you as well. Also, The Last TapeFailure is Not an Option!

Never be afraid of change. While this may be very difficult to say and accept, change is necessary. You may have to pick everything up and move to a place that is foreign to you. You may have to end that relationship that isn’t really going anywhere. There are so many places where you may end up and that is the beauty of life. It is so unpredictable! But I love it! Everyone doesn’t love it. Some may call you a nomad like they called me! Some may think you are crazy. Be open to going to new places, see new things, read new posts and take chances. No matter what, there is a lesson to learn. You may not realize it in the middle of the storm, but when it settles it will all make sense.

Oh, The Places You'll Go


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