Consumer Buying Decisions Internal External Influences

Consumer Buying Decisions Internal External Influences Image

Internal and External Influences on Consumer Buying Decisions. Consumer behavior is the finding out about how humans buy, use, gather, and dispose of agency items and services. What is the consumer buying decision? Consumers can buy items and services, however, they can additionally achieve them via bartering, lending, or leasing. Once items stand purchased, the client can then use them in a range of ways.

Here are the articles to explain, What are the Internal and External Influences on Consumer Buying Decisions?

Product bumped off one time like bloodless ingesting or it should use over time as a cell phone. The shopping for conduct of others can additionally affect by using how lots you use it. Positive opinions can be a way for relaxed clients to advocate the product to others. Conversely, sad shoppers can make complaints and inspire different shoppers now not to purchase that brand.

Consumer behavior additionally consists of the movements that appear after a product has stood used. Some organizations make investments in a lot of cash to make merchandise that can recycle. These groups are extra famous with buyers who care about the surroundings and are greater in all likelihood for them to promote their merchandise and services. We can usually say that important elements impact customer behavior.

These elements decide whether or not a goal purchaser buys a product or not. These are Psychological, Cultural, Economic, Social, and Personal factors. Individuals or groups, such as a family, can additionally make shopping choices for items and services. The buy selection is a procedure and several human beings work collectively to affect the buy choice in such an instance. Each man or woman may additionally play a section in the decision-making process.

Throughout the discussion of internal and external influences. It can say that every condition and influence is different and it also varies from one consumer to another. Some influences can change by marketers whereas some can only handle when they occur. Understanding these influences is essential as with this marketers’ can assist consumers in their purchase decisions. US coffee marketers can also resolve their troubles related to selling coffee by identifying specific internal and external influences on consumer buying decisions that are as follows:

Consumer Buying Decisions Internal Influences:

What is the Internal Influence on Consumer Buying Decisions? Internal influences come from consumers’ lifestyles and ways of thinking. These are consumers’ thoughts, self-concepts, feelings, attitudes, lifestyles, motivation, and memory. These internal influences can also know as psychological influences. Internal influences depict the ways through which consumers interact with the universe around them, identify their feelings, collect and examine information, develop ideas and beliefs, and take some specific action. These internal influences can also use by US coffee marketers to better understand the specific buying behavior of their consumers.

Several internal influences affect consumers at the time of buying coffee which subsequent are very important and need to understand by US coffee marketers:

Personal Needs & Motives:

The most substantial internal influence that affects consumer purchase decisions is his personal needs and motives. The need of a consumer can define as a lack of something or the difference between his desired and actual state. Motive is an individual’s inner state that encourages him to satisfy his specific need. This could also understand with an example like an individual may be hungry or thirsty. Which is his actual state and he also has a desire to be well fed which is his desired state. This need would motivate him to discover a restaurant or hotel to satisfy his need. All needs of consumers are not possible to define but throughout significant research, consumers’ needs are classified.

By identifying these needs and motives of consumers, US coffee marketers can easily influence their consumer buying decisions. The most substantial need identification model that can use by US coffee marketers to motivate their consumers is Maslow’s Need Theory. This theory gives by Abraham Maslow an American psychologist. According to this theory, consumers’ needs are classified in this order that if understood and used to influence consumers can be very helpful:

Purchase decisions;

Understanding these needs is very essential to direct consumers’ unfulfilled needs toward purchase decisions. With this, US Coffee marketers can identify the consumers’ different needs related to buying a coffee. Like, a consumer may purchase coffee to satisfy his thirst, whereas others may purchase it for discussion with friends or business class people. As well, some others may have different reasons to purchase it like students or office going just want it to get relaxed. And some youngsters want to have fun and get together at a coffee shop with some snacks.

So, every consumer has different needs that may be his basic or psychological needs so before selling coffee to a target market it is essential to identify the needs of different segments of the target market. Identification of consumers’ different needs related to buying coffee will significantly assist a coffee marketer in segmenting its target market and serving them most effectively.


The next substantial internal influence that affects consumer buying behavior is their attitude. Attitude pertains to what an individual feels or thinks about something. It stands always reflected in individuals’ acts as well as in their buying patterns. Once a person’s attitude forms it is very hard to change. If a consumer has some kind of negative attitude towards a specific product or issue, it will not be easy to change that belief. It is a long-lasting general evaluation of consumers about a product, service, or company.

Attitudes inform marketers about their consumers and how well they establish in the overall marketplace. Identification of these attitudes can also assist coffee marketers in knowing about their consumers and their perceptions of coffee sellers. US coffee marketers need to keep in mind that in the modern era, consumers expose to several advertisements and information and they don’t remember all of them. However, in this exposure, if they find something conflicting with their attitudes screen easily.


So, coffee marketers need to design advertisements in an appropriate manner that does not conflict with US consumers’ attitudes. The attitudes of consumers learn as they stand shaped by their own experiences and as well as influenced by their ideas and personality. As well, individuals’ attitudes stand also influenced by their friends & family members and extensive media coverage. For operating successfully, it is essential to influence consumers’ attitudes which can stand done by creating and establishing an effective perception in their minds.

Serving coffee with all essential facilities, a good environment, and high quality will assist coffee marketers in selling coffee to US consumers. Some of the coffee companies are doing well in the US like Starbucks and it is due to their positive image in the minds of their customers in every aspect of their business and as well towards society. The creation of a positive image is essential to influencing consumers’ attitudes and this can only stand done by serving them effectively in an all-inclusive manner.

Consumer Buying Decisions External Influences:

What is the External Influence on Consumer Buying Decisions? At the time of buying a product or service, all of us confront several external influences that involve our own culture, subculture, household structure, and groups. These associations of individuals know as external influences because the source of influence usually occurs from the exterior to an individual despite his or her inside influences. External influences also known as socio-cultural influences, as grow from the individual’s formal and informal relationships with his friends, family, and other individuals.

Understanding these external influences is essential to affecting consumers buying decisions. Although almost all of the described external factors are essential to understanding the most fundamental external factor. What influences consumer purchase decision is his/her culture which is as follows:


An individual’s values, attitudes, beliefs, and opinions shape by his culture. This in turn also forms people’s attitude toward buying specific products or services. The culture of an individual also gratifies his several emotional needs and due to this. They try to protect their cultural values and beliefs. This culture of protection reflects in individuals’ behavior as consumers. This could also understand with an example of McDonald’s that served Indian consumers in a way it used to serve American consumers. This act of the company made a negative effect on Indian consumers due to their specific vegetarian culture values.

Culture can develop a consumer need and as well as can also affect the gratification of that need. In this way, culture depicts how an individual satisfies or fulfills his needs that if identified by coffee marketers can assist them in serving US consumers in a much more effective way. By serving coffee in a way that resonates with the priorities of US culture, US coffee marketers can increase their chances of consumer acceptance and success. They should try to serve coffee with high quality and different kinds of environment according to the needs of US consumers.

Collect information;

Business-class people should serve coffee at esteemed and premium prices in a peaceful environment. Whereas youngsters should serve coffee at reasonable prices in a fun-loving environment. Before serving consumers, US coffee marketers must collect information about their specific target markets’ cultural values. It can stand done by analyzing their family, religious establishments, and education associations.

These specific values taught by US culture can stand identified easily that in turn can use to serve customers. The culture and value-related information can stand considerably used by coffee companies marketing managers to create messages and advertisements that are more likable and tempting to attract consumers.


With the help of a discussion of internal and external influences on US consumer buying behavior. They can segment based on demographic, psychographic, and location & culture. Regarding demographic segmentation, US consumers can segment based on factors like age, income, gender, and education level. In psychographic segmentation target market can segment based on attitude towards drinking coffee, attitude towards going out for coffee, attitudes towards coffee price, opinion about coffee shops, etc. In concern to culture or location, the market can segment into different locations.

Based on different types of segmentation approaches, the primary customer segments for coffee marketers in the United State are:

The Students: 

This segment mainly involves students from the university, college, and post-college from urban cities. It includes students within the 16-22 age range. This segment of consumers has lower income and is very price sensitive to consumer goods such as coffee.

The Leisure: 

This segment includes people from family and friends that love to have coffee for enjoying a good conversation. The age of this group people varies from 16-65. It involves people from different income and education levels. So it is a broad group to serve by US coffee marketers.

Business People: 

This segment represents busy business class professionals that stand normally aged between 22 and 55, with moderate to high income and education levels.

Target Market:

Among the above-discussed market segments, the most appropriate target market. That can stand selected by US coffee marketers in starting is the students. It is easy to understand the situations and factors that influence students. As well, the number of students in the country is increasing because of all kinds of institutions. Targeting, this market will be easy, and positioning an effective image in the minds of students will assist coffee marketers in extending their image in the minds of other target customers.

The selected targeted market can affect positively by offering them coffee at low prices with additional services. Some of the students require a peaceful environment or some of them love to have fun or gossip. Designing coffee shops with both kinds of environments will effectively serve their needs. This target market’s interest in going out for coffee directs by the need for social interaction and concentrated study.

The students who like coffee once will visit a coffee shop again. Sometimes they may visit a coffee shop for peace or sometimes for having fun with friends. Their needs can stand fulfilled easily so, it is better to serve this target market first and after attaining success in this, US coffee marketers can proceed to other market segments.


With the above discussion, it becomes clear that internal/external influences affect consumer buying decisions. For attaining success in this kind of environment, marketers must design. Their product and marketing-related strategies by identifying specific internal and external influences. U.S. Coffee marketers can also attain success in the US by making use of the above-discussed internal and external influences that affect consumers’ coffee purchase decisions.

Regarding the identified external-internal influences and selected target market, US coffee marketers can develop or alter. Their marketing strategy in the following manner that includes all aspects of a firm’s marketing mix:


Nowadays consumers do not remain loyal to a product. And when it is a disposable product like coffee, it becomes more difficult. Consumers want full value from products like coffee that can only deliver by serving them with a high-quality product. By identifying external/internal influences a product according to target market needs can design. 

The selected target market is students and they belong to the school and college-going students. Who prefers coffee drinks with baked goods. As well, they also look for a good experience or coffee shop. At the time serving students, US coffee marketers need to keep this in mind. All these aspects as this will assist them in delivering a high-value and quality-oriented product.


Another significant aspect of Coffee companies’ marketing strategy is the price as it affects almost all types of consumers. The US coffee marketers should serve the selected target markets with low-to-mid price coffee products and services. Students do not have high incomes and they belong to different classes. Students buying decisions can direct significantly by considering their internal and external influences. According to their influences, they need to target low to medium-range prices.


Nowadays consumers are highly exposed to retail stores or fast-food chains. They like to go and have fast food in shops that operate in different locations of a city or nation. It is their general attitude and this should be considered by US coffee marketers at the time of undertaking decisions about the locations of their coffee stores. 

They should at least start their operations with 2-3 coffee stores as it makes a positive impression on consumers’ attitudes and motivates them to experience one specific coffee store. They should try to start with an urban location or a location. That is the hub of students like an area where almost all reputed institutes of the US are running. In this way, students can motivate by specific coffee stores or shops.


The last substantial aspect of companies marketing strategy. That can alter substantially by identifying internal/external influences on consumer buying decisions is promotional strategy. For consumer products like coffee, it is not worth making extensive use of active marketing channels like media advertisements. Awareness and promotion of products like coffee can only stand done with extensive passive exposure through its stores and coffee packaging.

For a drink, consumer-like students can only attract to the visual repetition of its logo and products everywhere and at every time of the day. With the help of logical visual repetition of coffee products packaging. Exceptional awareness can create by US Coffee marketers for its selected target market and as well as for other segments.

Consumer Buying Decisions Internal External Influences Image
Consumer Buying Decisions Internal External Influences; Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash.


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