The Features of Directing Function of Management!

Learn and Study, Explain the Features of Directing Function of Management!

Features of direction which gives us an idea about the nature of directing function of management are: 1) directing is a dynamic function, 2) it provides link between different management functions, 3) it acts as the nucleus of all operations, 4) it is a universal function, and 5) it essentially involves human relationship! Also learned, Job Analysis: Meaning, Definition, and Purpose with Methods, Now Discuss – The Features of Directing Function of Management!

Directing Function of Management: The directing is also the main function of management. The directing function is concerned with leadership, communication, motivation, and supervision so that the employees perform their activities in the most efficient manner possible, in order to achieve the desired goals.

  • The leadership element involves issuing instructions and guiding the subordinates about procedures and methods.
  • The communication must be open both ways so that the information can be passed on to the subordinates and the feedback received from them.
  • Motivation is very important since highly motivated people show excellent performance with less direction from superiors.
  • Supervising subordinates would lead to continuous progress reports as well as assure the superiors that the directions are being properly carried out.

Features of Directing Function of Management:

Features of direction which gives us an idea about the nature of directing function of management as follow are:

1) Directing is a dynamic function,

2) It provides the link between different management functions,

3) It acts as the nucleus of all operations,

4) It is a universal function, and

5) It essentially involves human relationship!

Now Explain:

Directing is a Dynamic Function:

The direction is a dynamic and continuing function. It is the essence of the practice of management. The manager should continuously perform this function, no manager can think in terms of ceasing his job of communicating with, guiding and motivating his subordinates without giving up managerial activity. With changes in plans and organizational relationships, he will invariably wave to change the methods and techniques of direction. Thus, it is an ever-present continuing function of management.

It provides the link between Different Management Functions:

Direction links the various management functions. Planning, organizing, and staffing, which are regarded as the preparatory functions, are effectively linked with the controlling function, which is the function of checking on the progress of work in the light of plans. Directing lends meaning to all the preparatory functions of management and provides the material (through actual performance) for control. Without it, the function of controlling will never arise at all and the preparatory management functions will be meaningless.

It acts as the nucleus of all operations:

Directing is the process around which all other activities and performance revolve. Direction initiates action by creating goal-oriented activity. It plays such a crucial role that “Nothing happens unless and until the business automobile is put into gear and the accelerator depressed.” Thus, unless the management assumes an active role and sets the organizational machinery into motion, it cannot think in terms of activating people towards the accomplishment of enterprise goals.

Thus, it is a creative function that makes things happen by converting plans into performance. In short, it is the nucleus around which the practice of management is built. As a performance-oriented function, it ensures the continuity of all operations. The effective direction is thus absolutely necessary for the attainment of group-goals at minimum possible cost.

It is a universal function:

The function of direction is performed by the managers at all levels of the organization and in all their work-relationships. In other words, the work of direction will have to be performed by the managers at all levels right from the top (i.e., Board of Directors) down to the lower level (i.e. foremen). As an essential dynamic activity, it compels every manager to motivate, supervise, lead and communicate with his subordinates to get the work done for the accomplishment of the enterprise objectives, although the time spent on direction decreases at higher levels of authority. That is why; directing is regarded as the essence of management in action.

It essentially involves human relationship:

The Direction is concerned with the relationship between people working in the organization. It seeks to create co­operation and harmony among the members of the group. The supervisor cannot remain contented by just giving orders or by just making commands. He must strike a balance between the personal interest of the employee and the rest of the organization by acting as a useful co-ordination.

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