Role of the Management Information System (MIS)!

Role of the Management Information System (MIS) - ilearnlot

Learn and Understand, Role of the Management Information System (MIS)! 

The role of the MIS in an organization can be compared to the role of the heart in the body. The information is the blood and MIS is the heart. In the body, the heart plays the role of supplying pure blood to all the elements of the body including the brain. The heart works faster and supplies more blood when needed. It regulates and controls the incoming impure blood, processes it and sends it to the destination in the quantity needed. Also learned, What is MIS? Role of the Management Information System (MIS)!

It fulfills the needs of blood supply to the human body in the normal course and also in crisis. The MIS plays exactly the same role in the organization. The system ensures that an appropriate data is collected from the various sources, processed, and sent further to all the needy destinations. The system is expected to fulfill the information needs of an individual, a group of individuals, the management functionaries: the managers and the top management.

The MIS satisfies the diverse needs through a variety of systems such as Query Systems, Analysis Systems, Modelling Systems and Decision Support Systems the MIS helps in Strategic Planning, Management Control, Operational Control and Transaction Processing.

The MIS helps the clerical personnel in the transaction processing and answers their queries on the data pertaining to the transaction, the status of a particular record and references on a variety of documents. The MIS helps the junior management personnel by providing the operational data for planning, scheduling, and control, and helps them further in decision making at the operations level to correct an out of control situation.

If the gathered information is irrelevant than decision will also incorrect and Organization may face big loss & lots of Difficulties in Surviving as well.

Helps in Decision making:

Management Information System (MIS) plays a significant Role in Decision making Process of any Organization. Because in Any organization decision is made on the basis of relevant Information and relevant information can only be Retrieving from the MSI.

Helps in Coordination among the Department:

Management Information System also helps in establishing a sound Relationship among every person of the department to the department through proper exchanging of Informations.

Helps in Finding out Problems:

As we know that MIS provides relevant information about every aspect of activities. Hence, If any mistake is made by the management then Management Information Systems (MIS) Information helps in Finding out the Solution of that Problem.

Helps in Comparison of Business Performance:

MIS store all Past Data and information in its Database. That why management information system is very useful to compare Business organization Performance. With the help of Management information system (MIS) Organization can analyze his Performance means whatever they do last year or Previous Years and whatever business performance in this year and also measures organization Development and Growth.

The MIS helps the middle management, in short, them planning, target setting and controlling the business functions. It is supported by the use of the management tools of planning and control. The MIS helps the top management in goal setting, strategic planning and evolving the business plans and their implementation.

The MIS plays the role of information generation, communication, problem identification and helps in the process of decision making. The MIS, therefore, plays a vital role in the management, administration, and operations of an organization.

Role of the Management Information System (MIS) - ilearnlot


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