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Explain the Process of Job Analysis!

Explain the Process of Job Analysis - ilearnlot

Learn and Study, Explain the Process of Job Analysis! 

Job Analysis is a systematic process of gathering complete information about the job duties and responsibilities required to perform a specific job. The job analysis is concerned only with the job and not with the job holders, but however, the information about the job is gathered from the incumbents. Where to place the employees in order to best utilize their skills and talent? How to determine the need for new employees in the organization? How to eliminate unneeded jobs? How to set realistic performance measurement standards? How to identify the jobs and prepare a plan to fill them? Also learn, Methods, Purpose, Explain the Process of Job Analysis!

Well, all this can be effectively done by a proper and thorough job analysis. Managers deal such kinds of challenges in day-to-day company operations where they need to fulfill effectively and efficiently fulfill the organization’s requirements related to human resource recruitment, selection, performance, satisfaction and cutting down and adding extra responsibilities and duties. And there is no scope where they can avert the risk of being wrong.

An effective and right process of analyzing a particular job is a great relief for them. It helps them maintain the right quality of employees, measure their performance on realistic standards, assess their training and development needs and increase their productivity. Let’s discuss the job analysis process and find out how it serves the purpose. Also learned, Explain Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Analysis!

#Job Analysis Process:

Identification of Job Analysis Purpose: Well any process is futile until its purpose is not identified and defined. Therefore, the first step in the process is to determine its need and desired output. Spending human efforts, energy as well as money is useless until HR managers don’t know why data is to be collected and what is to be done with it.

Who Will Conduct Job Analysis: The second most important step in the process of job analysis is to decide who will conduct it. Some companies prefer getting it done by their own HR department while some hire job analysis consultants. Job analysis consultants may prove to be extremely helpful as they offer unbiased advice, guidelines, and methods. They don’t have any personal likes and dislikes when it comes to analyzing a job.

How to Conduct the Process: Deciding the way in which job analysis process needs to be conducted is surely the next step. A planned approach about how to carry the whole process is required in order to investigate a specific job.

Strategic Decision Making: Now is the time to make the strategic decision. It’s about deciding the extent of employee involvement in the process, the level of details to be collected and recorded, sources from where data is to be collected, data collection methods, the processing of information and segregation of collected data.

Training of Job Analyst: Next is to train the job analyst about how to conduct the process and use the selected methods for collection and recording of job data.

Preparation of Job Analysis Process: Communicating it within the organization is the next step. HR managers need to communicate the whole thing properly so that employees offer their full support to the job analyst. The stage also involves preparation of documents, questionnaires, interviews and feedback forms.

Data Collection: Next is to collect job-related data including educational qualifications of employees, skills, and abilities required to perform the job, working conditions, job activities, reporting hierarchy, required human traits, job activities, duties and responsibilities involved and employee behavior.

Documentation, Verification, and Review: Proper documentation is done to verify the authenticity of collected data and then review it. This is the final information that is used to describe a specific job.

Developing Job Description and Job Specification: Now is the time to segregate the collected data into useful information. Job Description describes the roles, activities, duties, and responsibilities of the job while job specification is a statement of educational qualification, experience, personal traits and skills required to perform the job.

Thus, the process of job analysis helps in identifying the worth of the specific job, utilizing the human talent in the best possible manner, eliminating unneeded jobs and setting realistic performance measurement standards.

This few Process of job analysis also Studying:

Job analysis is as useful is not so easy to make. In fact, it involves a process. Though there is no fool-proof process of making job analysis, the following are the main steps involved in job analysis:

1. Organisational Job Analysis: Job analysis begins with obtaining pertinent information about a job’. This, according to Terry is required to know the makeup of a job, its relation to other jobs, and its contribution to the performance of the organization.

Such information can be had by dividing back­ground information in various forms such as organisation charts i.e., how the particular job is related to other jobs; class specifications i.e., the general requirement of the job family; job description i.e., starting point to build the revised job description, and flow charts i.e., flow of activities involved in a particular job.

2. Selecting Representative Jobs for Analysis: Analysing all jobs of an organization is both costly and time-consuming. Therefore, only a representative sample of jobs is selected for the purpose of detailed analysis.

3. Collection of Data for Job Analysis: In this step, job data features of the job and required qualifications of the employee are collected. Data can be collected either through questionnaire, observation or interviews. However, due care should be taken to select and use the method of data collection that is the most reliable in the given situation of the job.

4. Preparing Job Description: The job information collected in the above ways is now used to prepare a job description. The job description is a written statement that describes the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that need to be discharged for effective job performance.

5. Preparing Job Specification: The last step involved in job analysis is to prepare job specifi­cation on the basis of collected information. This is a written statement that specifies the personal qualities, traits, skills, qualification, aptitude etc. required to effectively perform a job.

Explain the Process of Job Analysis - ilearnlot

Nageshwar Das

Nageshwar Das

Nageshwar Das, BBA graduation with Finance and Marketing specialization, and CEO, Web Developer, & Admin in Author posts