The Concept of Organizational Climate



The concept of Organizational Climate: Organizations are social systems. Organizations combine science and people, technology and humanity. It is not possible for every organization to have the same type of technology and people and so the organizations differ in their characteristics and internal environment. Organizational climate (sometimes known as Corporate Climate) is the process of quantifying the “culture” of an organization, and it precedes the notion of organizational culture. It is a set of properties of the work environment, perceived directly or indirectly by the employees, that is assumed to be a major force in influencing employee behavior.” 

Know and Understanding the Concept of Organizational Climate.

The internal environment of an organization may be called the organizational climate. OC, a guide for dealing with people serves as a major influence on motivation and productivity of individuals and total workforce. OC may note as the “personality” of an organization as conceived by its employees.

The organizational climate usually has a major influence on motivation, productivity and job satisfaction. The organizational climate is the major motivating factor responsible for satisfaction and dissatisfaction of employees in an organization and affects the quantum of employees’ turnover and satisfaction. It refers to the entire social system of a working group.

Campbell defines organizational climate as a,

“Set of attributes specific to a particular organization that may be deduced from the way that the organization deals with its members and its environment”.

Thus OC is the perceptional environment prevailing in an organization base on which employees do their work. It will have a major impact on the smooth flow in the management of an organization.

Six factors which can affect are:

  • Organization structure: Ideas on the extent of organizational constraints, rules, and regulations.
  • Individual responsibility: Having a sense of autonomy of being one’s own boss.
  • Rewards: Commensurate rewards to recognize performance.
  • Risk and risk-taking: The degree of challenge and risk to sustain by the incumbent.
  • Warmth and support: Feelings of general good fellowship and helpfulness prevailing in work settings.
  • Tolerance and conflict: Degree of confidence that the climate can tolerate differing opinions.

Influence of OC on Human Performance (Related Concept of Organizational Climate).

When the organizational climate is viable, the incumbent gets motivate and his performance is up to the expectation of the management. Consequently, he gets job satisfaction that reduces turnover. OC provides a type of work environment in which an individual feels satisfied or dissatisfied. Since the satisfaction of an individual determines his efficiency.

Organizational climate can say to be directly related to his performance in the organization. Organizational climate affects performance, satisfaction, and attitudes of people in the organization. What is an Organization? A sound climate is a long run proposition. Managers need to take an assets approach to climate. Meaning that they take the long run view of climate as an organizational asset.

The performance was more predictable for subjects, who work in a consistent climate than those. Who had to work in an inconsistent environmental climate. The inconsistent climate was having a negative impact on productivity. The organizational climate may be one of trust and confidence or one of fear and reprisal. Various organizational climates have different impacts on individual motivation, satisfaction, and attitudes. How Do You Know Your Company Wants Help From The Outside?

The climate of an organization derives originally from the philosophy and goals of those who join together to create it. The philosophy and goals of people are implementing by leadership working through the formal and informal organization. Formal and informal organization provide the structure to bind the institution together into a working team. Also learn, What is Planning?

The Concept of Organizational Climate - ilearnlot

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