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How to Write a Business Plan

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If you’re thinking of starting a business or raising money to expand an existing one, you need a plan. Running a successful business requires a great deal of forethought, so write a business plan and secure your venture’s future. How to Write a Business Plan will show you how to write the right plan for your business and design a loan package necessary to finance your business and make it work. 6 Secrets to Startup Success.

With this bestselling all-in-one guide you’ll learn how to:

  • Figure out if your business idea will make money.
  • Estimate operating expenses.
  • Prepare cash flow.
  • Create profit and loss forecasts.
  • Determine assets, liabilities, and net worth.
  • Find potential sources of financing.
  • Think first before borrowing from friends and relatives, and.
  • Professionally present your plan to lenders and investors.

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How to Write a Business Plan provides spreadsheets that help you determine and forecast cash flow, financial statements, sales revenue, and profit and loss. It also provides three sample business plans you can modify for your own use. This edition is completely updated, providing all-new online resources and updated examples of successful business plans. What is an Entrepreneur?

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How to Write a Business Plan, Book Cover!

Nageshwar Das

Nageshwar Das

Nageshwar Das, BBA graduation with Finance and Marketing specialization, and CEO, Web Developer, & Admin in

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